The Fassi stand didn't show any trucks, but therefore it had this Fassi F1950RAL.2.28 crane. That is the long name for the long version of the Fassi 1950 crane. It was already mounted on the subframe, and it appears that it will be mounted to the rear side of the truck. Underneath the base we see 2 outriggers that will extend to the rear. The 1950L has a base length of about 24 meters.
With this jib, the L816, it will have a total outreach of 41 meters.
Not at the Fassi stand, but at Kammerlander's stood this interesting MAN TGS. It has got the axle layout 6x4/4, meaning it's a 4x4 with a 2nd steering axle in front of the last. Kammerlander uses it to transport and install mobile towercranes. This special chassis was delivered by ÖAF from Vienna.
It is equiped with a demountable loading box that has got a rear mounted Fassi 235 crane. The box can also be turned, so that the crane sits behind the cab. The box is self supporting, meaning the MAN doesn't need a special subframe. When the box is taken of, the normal 5th wheel appears and the truck can be used as a tractor.
Effer showed this 2655 that is mounted on a Volvo FH 10x4. It will be delivered to the swiss customer Voser from Neuenhof. In this setup is identical to the cranetruck of Spezi Kran, it can be seen here. If I was informed correctly, than this crane will also be mountable on a tracked carrier aswell as a platform trailer that they already own.
A speciality of Hodel Betriebe (the builder of this unit) is the double jib, it gives this 2655 a total lifting height of about 60 meters.
This crane was also equiped with the swivveling outrigger, this makes all around stable.
News from Effer is this model, the 1405. Here it is mounted on a MAN TGS of the company Prosch. The version that was shown here is the 8S with the 6S Heavy Duty jib. The base length of this crane is about 20 meters and with the jib this becomes 32 meters. This jib has a maximum capacity of 5,97 tons.
Unfortunately parked in a tight spot and therefor not clearyl visible, but this is a special modified chassis. In stead of the normal tandem, this unit has got a driven and steered rear axle, probably installed by Toni Maurer. With the Hydrodrive on the 2nd axle, this makes a type 8x6H-6. The box can be taken of so that it becomes a tractor unit.
First time at the Bauma, this is the turkish brand Acar. I don't have any information on the crane they displayed, but they build models up to 285 t/m. This unit stands on a Ford Cargo from the turkish plant, a 3232S 8x4.
A different product from Acar is this unit, it can grab and transport a entire tree.
Also from turkey, this is a Hidrokon, mounted an a turkish Ford Cargo 4136D 8x4. This is a Hidrokon HK165 K7-L5.
A new brand for me is this GAL crane from Greece, also without any further information.
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