Volvo FM500 - Autohilfe Nadig
At the LKW-Treff Ostschweiz this Volvo of Autohilfe Nadig was on display.
It is a Volvo FM500 8x4 with an Erkin World Power recovery unit.
The crane is mounted behind the cab, an Erkin ER-122.000 L-3. This crane extends 3x hydraulicaly to 11 meter, where it can lift 9 tons. The maximum capacity of 132 t/m is reached at 4,8 mter with 27,5 tons. Maximum load is 40 tons at 3 meters.
At the head of the boom they installed this stable plate with the rolls for the winch cables. The boom is stable enough to also pull sideways with the winches. The crane in this case acts as a rotator unit on a normal recovery truck. The 2 manual extensions give a total outreach of 17,2 meters with 3,2 tons capacity.
When you are carrying a load on the recovery arm, the crane can be put over the cab of the truck. That way it acts as a counterweight against the load on the arm.
At the rear we see 2 outriggers beside the recovery arm. These offer support for heavy winch work at the rear.
The empty weight of this combination is 28,6 ton according to the brochure. But this combination with all his equipment is more like 31 ton at the moment.
The ER420-C recovery arm lifts a maximum of 27 tons directly behind the truck, or 5,5 tons at 5 meters distance. Maximum downward tilt angle is 20°.
A 20 ton winch is installed in front of the ER-420-C arm.
At this console on the base of the crane they installed 2 x 15 tons winches. The cables of these winches run through the front plate of the boom. With a winch block and double wire, it can winch up to 30 tons on the boom.
Below the crane hangs the 3rd winch, also a 15 ton version.
The outriggers at the front are swivveling sideways. The legs of the outriggers can tilt upwards, to be able to get over obstacles like side rails.
Below is a video of this truck.