This Volvo FH480 8x4 tractor belongs to Poul Møller ApS from Ebberup (DK). |
It is equiped with the new Fassi model, the 1300. Here they mounted the F1300AXP.28. This i an 8x hydraulically extending crane with a lifting capacity of 90,5 ton/mtr. Close to the crane, at 3,5 meters, it lifts 25 tonnes. At maximum distance, 19,65 meters, it still lifts 3,68 tonnes. |
Cranes of this size need a bit more space what can be seen here. The mufler had to be adapted so that the support leg fits there. |
Here a better view on the crane that is equiped with a winch. |
Behind the Volvo hands a 2-axled Broshuis semi-lowloader. |
The truck was at a material-depot of a construction company and was delivering some goods. These where unloaded with the own crane. The outriggers are already set. |
Because the lifting takes place at the other side of the truck, the outriggers at this side don’t have to be extended completely. |
The first thing to unload was a vibro hammer for piling sheets. |
This hammer has an own weight of 7,6 tonnes, a weight that this crane can lift at aproximately 10 meters. |
After that the relatively light 10 foot container was lifted... |
... and put behind the hammer. |
After these jobs the truck was moved to a different place on the yard. The crane stayed in this position during this action. |
During this action it was made clear what kind of advantage an air spring can have. The rear outrigger had to slide over these concrete beams. This was only possible because the air springs of the rear axle could extend high enough. |
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