The company Bautrans from Lauterach (A) owns this impressive Titan 4153 in 8x6 layout. |
The tractor is often coupled to a 10-axled Goldhofer moduletrailer. This trailer consists of a 4- and a 6-axled module which are coupled by a bed. |
The cab is mounted higher than normaly because of the driven front axle. The truck has a long wheelbase to make room for the drop-box. |
On the right side behind the cab they placed the spare wheel, the dieseltank and a cooler which cools the torque-converter. |
On the other side we find some air barrels, a battery compartment and 2 tanks for hydraulic oil. |
>> Update: Transport of a 94 ton heavy Liebherr LHM 400G undercarriage << |
De Titan wordt regelmatig ingezet om delen van mobiele Liebherr havenkranen te transporteren. Deze worden in de Liebherr frabriek in Nenzing (A) geproduceerd. Hier is het onderstel van een LHM 400G geladen. |
Total width is a bit more than 5,5 meters. |
To my knowledge this is the only Titan 8x6 with a 1+3 axle configuration. All the others have the 2nd front axle mounted further to the front (like this one of Feldmann).
This undercarriage weighs 94 tonnes and is transported on a Goldhofer 4-floor-6 moduletrailer. |
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