MAN 35.463 - Verbeek B.V.

This M.A.N. of the type 35.463 isn't a everyday truck. First of all it has an extreme short wheelbase for a 4-axled tractor. Secondly it has a very small cabin, together with a relatively big engine (12 litre 6-line). This engine delivers 460 hp. The small and low cabin is obviously meant for the transport of draglines and  foundation equipment. With these machines the boom is being laid over the roof of the cabin. To reduce total height all obstacles like warning lights have been placed on a lower  position.

Behind the cabin is a strut that protects the roof for the booms of draglines. We can also see that a part of the bumper has been cut out to make place for a radiator.

On the other side they have found some room for battery storage, 2 air barrels and a muffler.

The load is a Caterpillar D6R LGP. The dozer blade has been removed to reduce the transportwidth. The lowloader is a 2-axle Nooteboom unit. Clearly visible is that the cabin is nearly as high (or low) as the lowloaders goose-neck!!

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