At the Transpotec 2.0 in Milan stood this new Sivi-Iveco of S.I.M.I. Trasporti from Pescara at the Iveco stand. Two of these tractors are already at service at S.I.M.I., this is the third. |
It is a Trakker 8x8 in tractor version with the 13 liter 560 hp engine from the Stralis. |
The chassis reinforced and equiped with a support frame on which a 36 tonnes cardanic fifth wheel of Jost is mounted.
A view of the tower, below is the dieseltank and to the right of it is the mufler.
The support frame has twistlocks mounted to the side so that the truck can take on a ballast box.
The drawbar coupling, an own production of Astra (builder of the current Sivi models) and capable of pulling loads of 500 tonnes. It isn't an automatic unit, it is operated by hand.
The rear view of this impressive truck. Remarkable is the height of the chassis, caused by the all-wheel drive but also by the huge set of springs on the rear axles.
This side of the chassis is still rather empty, there is still enough space for a toolbox. Behind the 2nd front axle hangs the Ad-Blue tank that is necessary as this is a Euro 5 engine.
The tower from the other side. At the top left we see the coolers. The outer (the black one) is an aditional radiator for the cooling water. The silver colored cooler in front of that cools the oil of the ZF WSK 440 with intergrated retarder that is mounted behind the engine. In front of that there's the hear exchanger of the WSK (behind the oil filter of the fan-hydraulics).
Sideview of the passenger side, the lange wheelbase comes with the 8x8 chassis. The tractor has, according to the papers, an own weight of 15,4 tonnes and a technical allowed weight of 46 tonnes.
Between de front- and rearaxles hangs the ZF transfer case, type VG2700. At the top side (between the cassis beams) the drive shaft from the ZF Ecosplit (16S251 - 16 gears) come into the case. Via a internal set of gears the torque is than transfered to below where it is divided to the front and rear axles. This transfer case has 2 ratios: 0,91 and 1,4 meaning that the drive torque is again increased here.
The steel cover at the front bumper covers the 2nd 500 tonnes coupling. The tractor is prepaired to be used in combination with other tractors. One tractor can handle weights of up to 300/350 tonnes, with 2 units this becomes a huge 700 tonnes!
A nice but unfortunately rather rare heavy haulage unit!
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