Terex Demag |
At Terex-Demag there where a larger number of cranes. These 2 where the largest and also in company colours. The upper one is a AC250-1, a 250 tonnes crane with 80 meters of boom on a 6-axled carrier. It is sold to the milan based company Foppiani. Beside it stood this AC120-1 that is sold to Vernazza.
EuroGru Amici |
Eurogru Amici had 2 cranes on display, one was set up and the other was in transportposition. Both cranes are 150.35 models. They can lift a maximum load of 150 tonnes at 2,5 mtr. The boomlenght is 31,8 meter, with a jib this becomes 43,9 meters. The Iveco is a Trakker 8x4 for Forti, the Scania is a R500 8x4 for Tagliavini. Both have got a winch, the cable is coming out of the rear of the chassis. Craneheight in transportposition is a bit more than 3,3 meter.
Faun |
At the Faun stand stood this ATF 220 G-5, a 220 tonnes crane. It is sold to Angelo Nigro Autogru. |
Grove |
Grove showed a GMK4100L in a interesting colour scheme, unfortunately without a name. This is de L version, meaning it has the 60 meter telescopic boom. Beside it stood a white GMK5130-1. Also there where 2 posters with sold GMK7450’s. |
Idrogru |
Idrogru showed two KT150 models, on a MAN and a Scania. The MAN is a TGA 41.480 8x4 of DeAngelis, the Scania is a R480 of Arienti. The KT150 is a crane with 25,2 or 30 meter boom and can lift a load of 150 tonnes at 2,5 meters. Transportheight of the units are a bit more than 3,3 meters. These also have winches in their chassis.
Liebherr |
Liebherr showed several cranes in company livery. From top to bottom:
LTM1090-4.1 of Zuccato Autogru
LTM1130-5.1 of GS Srl
LTM1070-4.1 of DB2000 Srl
LTM1095-5.1 of Tagliavini
LTM1200-5.1 of Porro
There was also this sign with the information that Tagliavini has bought a LTM1400-7.1 |
Locatelli |
Locatelli was standing a hall this time. The displayed cranes are, from top to bottom, an ATC40 city-crane, a Grill 8400T and a Grill 8600T, both AT cranes. |
Mister Gru |
At Mister Gru (now also MGI - Mister Gru Industries) stood this new 35 tonnes crane. The model is called MC 35 HS. It has an own weight of 24 tonnes and traveling speed has been increased to 70 km/h. |
SCM displayed this 85 tonnes telescopic crane. |
TCM displayed 2 telescopic cranes. The C2000 could also be seen at the Transpotec. It is mounted on an Astra 84.56 chassis. Beside it stood a C900 with a recovery unit at the rear, mounted at an Iveco Trakker 500 8x4. |
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