This is also an Effer 955, this one is mounted on a MAN 8x4H*6 of UBM-Kran, located at the swiss Waldkirch. Here they also installed the 8S version of the Effer together with a 6S Heavy Duty jib. Even more outreach is given by the 2nd jib with 2 more extensions. The truck has been built by Wohlgenannt and has gotten a reinforced chassis to the front. The flatbed can extend to the rear.
Bautrans from Lauterach already belongs to the Felbermayr group since a longer time, but the moment has come where the trucks start being painted in the Felbermay scheme. This is a fairly new unit, a Scania V8 8x4 tractor with a Palfinger PK85002 crane. This one also got the F-version, so 7x extending to 17,8 meters. On top of that stands a PJ170 E jib that extends 6x and gives nearly 31 meters of outreach. A manual part in the jib makes that a bit more than 32 meters. Interesting fact is that the Scania has gotten a reinforced chassis, which is not so easily done with a V8. The box can be taken of, underneath it is a fifth wheel.
Another Effer crane, a 685 this time. It's the 8x extending version with a 4x extending jib, this gives about 30 meters of outreach. The crane is mounted on a MAN 8x4*4 of Konzett that has got a 2-way tipper on it. Interesting are the extra outriggers at the end of the chassis, they give extra support for lifts to the rear. Also notice the nice stowing place for the pallet fork. It's pulling a 2-axled drawbar trailer.
Although 5-axled in Austria don't get a 40-ton allowance, the companies in the swiss border regions are still buying some of them to be more efficient when working in Switzerland. This is the new Scania 10x4*6 of Brunner Gerüstbau, it has got a Palfinger PK78002-SH in F-version and a PJ125 E jib. The truck has gotten a rather short wheelbase, together with the steering rear axle is stays manoeuvrable. The flatbed is not tipable and the chassis to the front is reinforced. The truck was built by CTC.
Another 5-axled unit, this time for Kuchelmair Kranarbeiten from Widnau (CH). The MAN TGS 43.540 is based on a standard 8x4 that has gotten it's 5th axle at Toni Maurer's workshop. At the rear stands an Effer 655 in 8S version that is equiped with the 6S jib. Here the end of the chassis was also used to mount 2 extra outriggers for rear stability. This truck was also built by CTC.
Somewhat lighter, but still a very nice truck, is this Scania G440 6x2*4 with rear mounted Palfinger PK42002-SH crane. The crane truck belongs to the roofing company Roman Weber Dach from Feldkirch.
The last vehicle doesn't really fit in because of it's crane, a relatively light Hiab 077. More interesting is the conversion done by Paul Passau, because this Unimog U400 has gotten a steering rear axle. This gives great manoeuvrability on thight roads.
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